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Surgeon Ergonomics: Injury Patterns and Fitness Strategies for Longevity

  • OMS Annual Meeting, Scientific Sessions and Exhibition Boston Convention and Exhibition Center Boston, MA 02210 USA (map)

Julie A. Chavez, DDS

Charles C. Turner, NASM-CPT

Ergonomics will be defined and the impact of surgeon ergonomics and workplace injury will be discussed.  Results of a pilot study on the frequency and pattern of injuries and disabilities common to oral surgeons will be presented.  In addition, applied ergonomic principles for the oral surgeon and common pitfalls will be discussed and technologies that provide positive ergonomic solutions and/or reduce repetitive stress will be reviewed.  Attendees also will learn about future research directions and receive an overview of basic kinesiology principles, biomechanics and fitness strategies to combat musculoskeletal injuries and promote longevity.